19 mayo 2011

Colgantes / Pendants

  Otra cosa menos de mi lista: algunos amuletos de Estelindis convertidos a colgantes. El primero es sólo una retexturación  mientras que el segundo implica el uso de 3DSMax para editar los modelos y cambiar el UVW.

  Another thing less in my list: some Estelindis' amulets converted to pendants. The first is just  a retexturation but for the second one I had to use 3DSMax for editing the models and changing the UVW.

4 comentarios:

  1. Hará cosa de un mes y pico, sí. A ver lo que dura esta vez :P jajaj

  2. Interesting! I meant to get around to this at some point myself, but life is busy. Let me know if there are ever any files I can send you to help you.

  3. Thank you Estelindis. The same thing applies to you: if you see something in my blog that you would like to have, feel free to ask for it and I'll send it to you
